The name Chad Frost in WWE may not ring a bell, but it has major connotations with regard to one of Dwayne Johnson's real-life enemies. A character in the NBC Series Young Rock, Chad played the antagonist to teen Dwayne's success in the world of wrestling during the Attitude Era.

The Young Rock series explores Dwayne Johnson's childhood and encapsulates his wrestling career through the eyes of the protagonist himself as he runs for President in 2032. In the latest episode titled 'Going Heavy', The Rock recollects his struggles on the road to SummerSlam 1998.

The former Nation of Domination member was one of the company's emerging stars at the time. He feuded with the D-Generation X and became a global sensation due to his electrifying antics. But since he was successful at a young age, his achievements didn't go down well with a DX member.

In Season 3, episode eight of Young Rock, Chad Frost is seen manipulating Vince McMahon. The character has a long ponytail and is dressed in all denim. He feeds the chairman all kinds of lies about Dwayne, but Vince remains non-judgmental. Despite all the backstage politics, The Rock becomes a megastar.

So, who is Chad Frost in Young Rock? Well, Johnson did note that the "guy never turned out to be a friend." The attire and backstage rumors led fans to come to a solid conclusion rather quickly.

Chad Frost is not real and is a pseudonym for one of Dwayne's personal rivals, Shawn Michaels. The Rock and HBK have had legit heat since the time Michaels performed in Hawaii at Dwayne Johnson's grandmother, Lia Maivia's promotion.

Rumor has it that Shawn passed a derogatory remark about Dwayne Johnson's grandmother during his time in the Hawaiian promotion. The rift deepened when HBK legitimately planted a superkick on Johnson's jaw. This led to a backstage brawl in WWE where The Rock towered over The Showstopper.

Michaels has been accused by multiple legends, such as Bret Hart and Rocky Johnson, of trying to cancel The Rock's push. The Vice President of Talent Development Creative hasn't reacted to the rumors, although he did say his relationship with The Rock wasn't as bad as everyone thinks.

Dwayne Johnson’s Chad Frost in WWE: Shawn Michaels is reportedly set to appear for RAW's 30th Anniversary

On January 23, WWE RAW will celebrate its 30th Anniversary at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Multiple Hall of Famers are reportedly on the list of invitees, including Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Tatanka, and Shawn Michaels.

Shawn Michaels wrestled his last match in WWE at Crown Jewel 2018. The DX member teamed up with Triple H and defeated The Brothers of Destruction.

On paper, it looked like a star-studded clash, but the match was executed poorly and heavily criticized.

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