
The Real Housewives of New Jersey is back and better than ever. Everyone’s favorite Jersey housewives are back in action and there are several new faces in the mix. However, the main focus this season – as it has been the past two seasons – is the relationship between original housewife Terese Giudice and her brother and his wife, Joe and Melissa Gorga. However, this season the show also follows the saga surrounding the Giudice family as they are facing legal troubles for some serious financial mistakes.

“I’m glad I have such a strong wife…one who doesn’t cry all the time. I wouldn’t even want to come home,” said Joe Giudice to his wife Teresa while sitting in front of the fire on Christmas night after their little girls took their new puppy to bed for the night.

“I do cry myself to sleep sometimes. This will not be our last Christmas together,” is what Teresa had to say to her husband. The couple is facing a laundry list of federal charges that range from wire fraud to tax evasion and everything in between. They both face significant jail time. Their sentencing was postponed until September after the death of Joe Giudice’s father unexpectedly earlier this summer.

The couple have said next to nothing to their friends, family and the media about their financial situation and their legal troubles, leaving their family members feeling a little confused about what to say. They have plenty to say behind closed doors, but face-to-face is a different story. While the couple have no idea what is going to happen to them at their sentencing in September, one thing is certain; they’re remaining positive in light of all the negativity in their lives. They continue to hope for and believe in the best. We will all find out in September what’s going to happen.

(Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images)
