The camera app in the recently released Pokemon Scarlet and Violet games is an interesting option that often leads to creating memorable moments. With a new generation making its way to Pokemon fandom, gamers will meet plenty of new monsters throughout their journey. Some of the old favorites can be found while traversing the land as well.

An interesting aspect of the feature is its accessibility as players can obtain it for themselves quite early in the game. It allows them to take as many snaps as possible of their journeys and exhibit their creative side. With so many monsters available in the game, there will be no shortage for players when it comes to clicking photos.

The release of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is yet to go as planned on several grounds as of this writing. Plenty of performance issues have plagued the release, and content has been another ground for criticism as well. Thankfully, the camera app works as intended, and it will be a relief to players. Although this feature might not have a direct impact on the gameplay, it's still a nice bit of addition from Gamefreak.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet can use the camera app for selfies and normal photographs

Using the camera app in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is easy, but the first thing to do is to unlock the feature. This shouldn't be a problem as obtaining the camera has been imbibed in the core gameplay. It's something players will have to go through in the early part of the game.

The camera app comes with a Rotom phone, handed out to players at the very beginning of the game. Once it is available, they can snap normal photographs or selfies based on their taste.

Using the camera is quite simple, and all that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players need to do is hit the down button on the D-Pad. This will open the camera app and its FPS mode by default.

How can players make the best use of the camera app?

Once the app is open, you can enjoy a host of functions. Clicking the Y button will convert the orientation to the selfie mode, a wonderful tool. Interestingly, you can also apply filters to normal photographs and selfies. One has to use the side keys to choose from the range of filters on the camera app.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players can also add different emotes to their selfies and change focus. Unfortunately, these options are restricted when using the FPS mode, so you must make manual adjustments.

Using the right stick, you will have to aim at the Pokemon you want to click a picture of. Once everything is set, hide the guide with the A button. Press the screenshot button to complete the snapshot and store it if the results are as expected.

Amidst all the criticism, the inclusion of the camera app is innovative to an extent. Unfortunately, it can't hide the game's shortcomings, and players will hope for the situation to improve in the coming days.

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