
Ali Wentworth has been married to George Stephanopoulos for 17 years. She’s a comedian and an actress who most recently created, wrote and starred in Nightcap. I enjoy that show (it reminds me a little of Extras) and hope they get a season three. Ali was raised surrounded by both politics (her mother was Nancy Regan’s White House Social Secretary) and journalism (her father was a reporter for The Washington Post and her stepfather was the editor of The Sunday Times). So she and George are well paired, and for more than just their intellect. In Ali’s newest book, Go Ask Ali, she confesses that she and George have so much sex, she loses friends over it.

Stephanopoulos’ comedian wife, Ali Wentworth, reveals in her upcoming book, Go Ask Ali, that the couple enjoys quite a healthy sex life after 17 years of marriage. It’s a fact that irks her female friends, according to the New York Post, which published lines from the memoir that’s released on April 24.

“The lowest moment for me is when the time arrives for the fateful question: ‘How often do you and your husband have sex?’” Wentworth, 53, writes in the memoir, according to the Post. “I have lost friends with this question.”

When Wentworth tells her pals the truth, the reactions are big. “The women gasp and scream like I’ve confessed that I shot my dog,” she jokes. “One of them always slams her first down on the table; a woman’s wine glass once smashed in her hand. I’m sorry! We’re hot for each other. Jesus!”

[From Us]

I couldn’t understand how Ali lost friends over the amount of sex she has with George. Like, was she cutting out on the check to go have a quickie in the bathroom? Ali loves to exaggerate so I’m going to need to see a doctor’s note on that smashed glass, thank you. But do people care that much about other’s sex lives? When my friend starts bragging about how much sex she and her husband of 25 years have, I think, “there but for the grace of God… “ No, seriously though, I’m very happy with my sex life so other people’s numbers don’t upset me, even if they’re inflating/deflating them. I might smash a glass the next time it comes up, though, just for the drama.

Incredulity aside, some people don’t think sex lives should be discussed so publicly. I am not one of those people, I have no problem with it. Ali, though, has always been outspoken, mostly for comedic value. In 2003 she countered reports of a rocky marriage to The Washington Post by saying, “Come on, do you know of many strained marriages that make love twice a day?” Maybe I’m biased because I find her really funny and loved her two prior books, Ali in Wonderland and Happy Ali After (I haven’t read The WASP Cookbook yet). She’s a comedienne, this is her shtick, and although I’m sure there’s truth to it, I don’t think it bothers George any, so she’ll keep mouthing off about their sex life as long as she can. And here’s a Hell Yes! to still being hot for your partner after decades together.

Now, what do her teen daughters (12 and 15) think of their mother’s confession? That’s an entirely separate matter.




Photo credit: WENN Photos
